Cloud VPS Server Poland

Cloud Server Hosting Poland

Cores 1, Ram 1 GB, NVMe 25 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 478 /Month
  • CPU: 1 Core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Disk: 25 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 100 Mbps, Bandwidth Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 2, Ram 2 GB, NVMe 40 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 565 /Month
  • CPU: 2 Cores
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Disk: 40 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 150 Mbps, Bandwidth Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 2, Ram 4 GB, NVMe 60 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 825 /Month
  • CPU: 2 Core
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Disk: 60 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 200 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 4, Ram 6 GB, NVMe 70 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 1173 /Month
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Disk: 70 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 250 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 4, Ram 8 GB, NVMe 90 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 1346 /Month
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Disk: 90 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 300 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 6, Ram 10 GB, NVMe 100 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 2041 /Month
  • CPU: 6 Core
  • RAM: 10 GB
  • Disk: 100 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 350 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 8, Ram 12 GB, NVMe 150 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 2476 /Month
  • CPU: 8 Core
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • Disk: 150 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 400 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 10, Ram 14 GB, NVMe 170 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 3344 /Month
  • CPU: 10 Core
  • RAM: 14 GB
  • Disk: 170 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 450 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cores 16, Ram 16 GB, NVMe 210 GB Poland Warsaw

฿ 4039 /Month
  • CPU: 16 Core
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Disk: 210 GB NVMe
  • Pay 3 months, get 1% discount
  • Pay 6 months, get 2% discount
  • Pay 12 months, get 4% discount
  • Pay 24 months, get 6% discount
  • Network: 500 Mbps, Traffic Unlimited
  • IP: 1 x IPv4

Cloud Server Hosting Poland

Cloud VPS Server Poland Overview and Services is a web hosting provider that has carved out a niche primarily serving clients in Thailand. Offering a variety of hosting services, including shared hosting, dedicated servers, and VPS (Virtual Private Servers), aims to cater to a range of business needs from small to large enterprises.

Services Provided by

Shared Hosting: This service is ideal for new website owners and small businesses. It is the most cost-effective hosting solution where multiple websites share a single server’s resources.

Dedicated Servers: For businesses needing more control and power, dedicated servers provide a private server solely for the client’s use. This ensures higher performance, security, and the ability to handle significant traffic without sharing resources.

VPS Hosting: Sitting between shared hosting and dedicated servers, VPS hosting offers a virtualized server where each user gets a dedicated part of a server’s resources. It combines affordability with better control and security compared to shared hosting.

Specialty Services: Besides standard hosting services, offers domain registration, SSL certificates, and customized hosting solutions tailored to specific customer needs.

Benefits of Using

Local Data Centers: Having data centers located in Thailand, provides the advantage of faster loading times for local users, which is crucial for businesses targeting the Thai market.

Customer Support: They offer localized customer support, which is a significant advantage for Thai-speaking clients. Understanding local issues and being able to communicate in the native language can enhance the support experience.

Cultural Familiarity: The understanding of local business practices and cultural nuances can lead to better tailored hosting solutions for Thai businesses.

Cloud VPS Servers in Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, is emerging as a significant hub for cloud and VPS hosting services in Europe. The city’s strategic location and robust infrastructure make it an attractive location for businesses looking to enhance their digital presence in Europe.

Cloud VPS Hosting Features

Scalability: Cloud VPS servers provide scalability options that are essential for businesses experiencing variable workloads. Resources can be adjusted dynamically, allowing businesses to pay only for what they use.

Performance: With advanced virtualization technology, VPS servers in Warsaw offer high performance. This is critical for businesses that rely on intensive databases and applications running smoothly.

Security: Providers in Warsaw typically offer advanced security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular backups. Data protection is especially crucial in the European market due to strict GDPR regulations.

Redundancy: High availability and redundancy are other critical features. Many providers in Warsaw ensure that their network infrastructure has minimal downtime and data loss.

Choosing a VPS Provider in Warsaw

When selecting a Cloud VPS provider in Warsaw, businesses should consider several factors:

Data Center Excellence: Look for providers that offer modern data center facilities with robust physical security, environmental controls, and connectivity.

Compliance and Certifications: It’s important that the provider complies with European data protection standards, including GDPR. Certifications like ISO 27001 can also be indicators of reliable security management.

Support and Services: Efficient customer support that can tackle technical issues swiftly is vital. Additionally, the range of services and the ability to customize solutions play a crucial role in accommodating diverse business needs.

Pricing and Contracts: Transparent pricing and flexible contracts are important to avoid unexpected costs and ensure that the services align with the business’s budget and requirements.

Market Trends and the Future of Hosting in Warsaw

The demand for cloud and VPS hosting in Warsaw is expected to grow due to the increasing number of businesses undergoing digital transformation. The strategic importance of Warsaw as a gateway to Eastern and Western Europe also plays a crucial role in its development as a technology hub.


Both and Warsaw’s Cloud VPS providers offer unique advantages tailored to their respective markets. For businesses in Thailand, offers local expertise and tailored services that can significantly benefit operations within the region. Meanwhile, Warsaw is positioning itself as a central player in Europe’s cloud hosting market, offering scalable, secure, and high-performance VPS solutions that cater to a broad European audience.
